Jack Cardetti, President


Jack Cardetti has worked in Missouri for nearly two decades as a spokesman and strategist for state and federal elected officials, winning political campaigns and, since 2011, successful public affairs campaigns. He’s served as the official spokesman for two Missouri governors and remains an oft-quoted expert in news stories throughout Missouri and among leading national publications.

In the 2018 election cycle, Cardetti served as communications consultant for the defeat of Right-to-Work, with 67 percent of Missouri voters opposing Proposition A. In that same cycle, Cardetti also led the historic effort to approve medical marijuana in Missouri, steering 66 percent of the vote for Amendment 2 while defeating two other competing medical marijuana ballot initiatives. He also helped design and deliver the messaging that in 2018 helped pass the first comprehensive energy bill through the Missouri legislature in more than a decade.

In 2012 he helped Jason Kander become the youngest statewide elected official in America, as general campaign consultant in the Secretary of State race. Cardetti also led the successful effort that year to prevent changes to the nonpartisan, merit-based Missouri Court Plan by defeating Amendment 3 with more than 75 percent of the vote, one of the most decisive outcomes for a Constitutional ballot amendment in Missouri history. His work for candidates includes some of the most successful campaigns in Missouri in recent years, including those of Sen. Claire McCaskill and Gov. Jay Nixon.