MoCannTrade: 21st Century Industry

Tightline’s success with the winning New Approach Missouri campaign in 2018 led us to join MoCannTrade (the Missouri Medical Cannabis Trade Association) as its strategic communications consultant. At MoCannTrade, we provide a full slate of content and counsel to an organization with just one full-time employee. That ranges from primary content creation (incl. new releases, talking points, educational materials and e-newsletter material) to strategic input, media training and event management.

From the campaign to implementation, Missouri has emerged as a national model in this industry, a state that has learned from the missteps of earlier entrants into the sector and crafted reasonable, well thought-out laws and regulations that protect the public, ensure patient rights and lay the groundwork for thousands of new jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in annual economic impact. We’re admittedly biased but like to think our efforts have played no small part in framing the narrative and forging that reputation.


Battling the Eviction Crisis


Flood-Prepared Communities (Pew Charitable Trust)